Mouth Glow


Mouth glow is a pulling oil, specifically created by Guruji Sri Sri Poonamji, to greatly improve oral health and hygiene.


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Mouth glow is a pulling oil, specifically created by Guruji Sri Sri Poonamji, to greatly improve oral health and hygiene.


• Remove bacteria and dental plaque, you will see and feel the difference in about 2 weeks
• Heal any dental infections such as gingivitis
• Reduce tooth decay and rebuild enamel
• Improve overall health of your gums, including rebuilding gums
• Give a fresh and clean feeling in your mouth and reduce any bad breath.

One full teaspoon of oil to be swished in your mouth for about 20 minutes (for optimal result, pull up to 30 minutes). Use 4 to 7 times per week; do not gargle or swallow the oil, as the oil will collect bacteria from your mouth. After pulling, spit out the oil and rinse your mouth. You can gargle as well now. Do not brush your teeth right after the oil pulling as the brushing reduces some of the benefits

Content: 250ml

Mouth Glow provides optimal maintenance for your teeth, thereby greatly reducing (or even eliminating) the need for regular dental visits. A full course is 4 to 6 weeks, repeat twice per year or as required.