Margaret Thevarakom
Dear Guruji,
I am writing this to show my gratitude for the amazing physical, emotional and spiritual healing I have received from you since 2000. The wisdom and enlightenment I have received in learning from you have given me a renewed confidence in myself and a bigger understanding and hope in life.
You have given me invaluable guidance and healing in dealing with serious problems in my personal and professional lives. When I first met you in 2000, I was suffering great emotional turmoil in an abusive marriage. In those dark days, you spent a lot of time teaching and guiding me to understand my soul-level needs. With your healings and instruction, I learnt how to let go of my deepest fears and realise that I could make positive transformations in my life. Your continued counselling and guidance over the next three years helped me to find the courage, confidence and strength to overcome my fears and leave my abusive husband in 2003. You healed and supported me during the difficult months when I was rebuilding my life after the extremely painful break up of my marriage and the sudden death of a close family member in the space of just a few months.
In the 15 years or so since, you have helped me to resolve many issues and problems in my professional life too. My difficult marriage had taken a terrible toll on my work. But with your assistance, I resolved most of my problems at work and enjoy a much better relationship with my colleagues. I remember you telling me in Jan 2006, that I could become the head of my organisation. I laughed when you said it, but by 2008, I was progressing in my career and by 2010, I was heading the most important department in my organisation! By helping to remove limiting self-beliefs and building up my confidence in myself, you helped me to soar professionally. I cannot describe what that meant to me.
2006 was another amazing year of healing and recovery for me. When diagnosed with endometriosis in Jan 2006, I sought your help. You assisted me to unearth old, deep-seated, unresolved emotional issues which were causing disease in my body. I am still astounded at your ability to read and move energies! The awareness of these issues and subsequent healing has helped me in such profound ways. I decisively broke free from some of the fetters of my past.
Learning from you has brought much-needed optimism, strength and confidence into my life. My spiritual knowledge and development have also grown in leaps and bounds in the last 20 years. I have truly delighted in learning of the mysteries of souls, energies and life itself from you. I am mighty pleased that I’m figuring out my own life purpose and am enjoying the sheer joy and delight of life.
Your greatest gift has been to bring out my inner light and to teach me to grow that light to brighten up my entire life. I have been sharing all that I have learnt from you to help bring out the inner light in my family and friends. In the last three years especially, I have left my corporate job and launched my independent business to provide holistic coaching and healing services. As a Transformation Coach, I incorporate many of your powerful teachings to help individuals see their blocks and help them to step free from them.
Your blessings and reminders to believe in myself, to surrender to the Higher Purpose and to share my light have been instrumental to my current success. Thank you for your inspiration and unbelievable power in transforming lives, Guruji.
Bringing light into lives is a much-needed and very noble commitment and you are especially strong and gifted in it. I am very grateful to have met you and look forward to much more spiritual learning from you.
You are a dynamic and powerful healer and teacher who is able to help transform lives in such profound ways. You truly bring the message of love and light that the world so needs right now. Thank you.
In humble gratitude,