“Everyone’s true goal is
to find themselves”

Our Guru

Sarva Loka Maa
Her Holiness Sri Sri Sri 1008 Guruji Poonamji

Sarva Loka Maa Guruji Poonamji is a true Guru, a divine incarnation of light. Lovingly revered as Sarva Loka Maa or Guruji, Her Holiness’ sacred lineage begins from His Holiness Sri Sri Sri 1008 Baba Neem Karoliji Maharaj. Learn more

Our mission

Open the Light Within

Sarva Loka Maa Guruji Poonamji created Divine Bliss to assist you to find your true purpose. A place where you can seek guidance to diagnose yourself of every illness and distress -mind, body, and spirit. It’s a place of light that will show you how you can open the light within you to become one with your true abundance of creativity. When this happens you become abundant materialistically, energetically, and emotionally. Abundance is leading a very fulfilling life in any way you would like.

Divine Bliss is a non-profit dedicated to spread Guruji’s wisdom on the natural remedies to disease through positive thinking, healthy eating, and abundant living.

Awakening to Yourself

Chakras: The Future of Healing Disease Through Chakra Balancing

Meditation: What All Humans Are Looking For…

What is Your True Purpose Here?

Open The Light Within

We cannot change the world, but we can begin by changing ourselves. By participating in this movement and opening the light within our hearts, we will become the everlasting candles of positivity, compassion and selfless giving in this world. Guruji teaches us that selflessness is the only way to maintain the Light within our hearts, to keep it lit, to keep it glowing.

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Experience the Bliss

Quotations from Guruji

Divine Bliss Articles


Open the Light

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Light center

Growth and Expansion

When a Light Center is built through the graces of a True Saint, it has a Divine Connection to Heaven. Only people who have the blessed karma can visit such a Light Center. The vibrational frequencies will be felt by those, who seek the peace within themselves. While visiting this Light Center, people will feel elevated and connected to the Cosmic Energies. Just by being in The Space, the truth of self can be revealed. This is the key to enlightenment.

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His Holiness Sri Sri Sri 1008 Baba Neem Karoliji Maharaj Honoring Day

(Guruji wants 1,000 candles lit for Maharaji!)

Get Candle Here!

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