“Seva” is a Sanskrit word meaning “selfless service.” Seva is an essential aspect to one’s spiritual growth. The highest form of personal receiving is through Seva. This sacred practice honors the “Guru” for assisting us to dispel the darkness from our minds and show us how to connect to our inner light. We have the utmost gratitude for Guruji Sri Sri Poonamji for the abundance of light that has been showered upon us. We are most honored to have this opportunity to serve and further the mission of Divine Bliss International.
Divine Bliss - India

New Delhi, India
Guruji Sri Sri Poonamji was born and raised in India and comes from a highly spiritual family with a long established history of helaing. Guruji is a direct descendent of the Sikh Gurus on her maternal side and is from the Indian royal lineage from her paternal side. Her spiritual lineage descends from Sri Sri Sri 1008 Baba Neem Karoliji Maharaj who is widely known as “The Healing Saint of Northern India” and his Holiness Sri Sri Sri 1008 Baba Sevananda Ji Maharaj.

Sri Sri Sri 1008 Baba Sevananda Ji Maharaj
Our beloved Guruji Sri Sri Poonamji spent 30 years of her life in loving service to her divine Guru, His Holiness Sri Sri Sri 1008 Baba Sevananda Ji Maharaj at the Sri Sri Sri 1008 Baba Neem Karoli Ashram near New Delhi, India. His Holiness Sri Sri Sri 1008 Baba Sevananda Ji Maharaj lovingly passed the energetic light torch to continue to do the rightful physical work for the people of this world. Guruji Sri Sri Poonamji’s truly selfless service and endless compassion is beyond compare.
Guruji Sri Sri Poonamji has travelled the worlde over and has Disciples from all walks of life. India is that sacred land where great Light Saints and spiritual aspirants have congregated for thousands of years over. The sincere earnest of seeking the Divine has uplifted the land like no other and it sings with the Cosmic vibrations of creation.
Divine Bliss India Programs
The team in India currently runs special programs, addition to observation of specific festivals,
social gatherings and service activities within the New Delhi community.
Check our Events Calendar for the Most Up to Date Timings

Om Chanting
Contact us about how to join on-line
It is a common misconception that meditation is about sitting in silence and closing your eyes. Meditation, by definition, is an altered state of consciousness. When we go silent, so often the chatter in our heads only gets louder. So how do you meditate to reach an altered state of consciousness? Here’s what Her Holiness Guruji Sri Sri
Poonamji says about chanting as a meditation…Learn More

“Introduction to Self Realization”
Contact us about how participate and join our waiting list
These classes are organized into small personalized groups. They are offered to for you to understand yourself at the deepest levels – it requires a commitment to yourself. These classes will challenge you and how you think about yourself, your life and your place in the world. The group is formed to offer a network of support and personalized interaction with like minded individuals as you journey to understand yourself in totality.
The classes start with basic meditation and self-awareness leading to intermediate classes where you will begin to challenge how you view the world and you develop a deeper understanding of yourself, and then progressing to more advanced classes which will enable you to not only understand yourself but your true destiny and the path to enlightenment.

Love Chats
Contact us about how to join on-line
Q&A with Her Holiness Guruji Sri Sri Poonamji
This is a rare opportunity that doesn't come around very often. To have your questions answered by a true Saint is the ultimate blessing.
You will have the blessing of Guruji Sri Sri Poonamji answering your questions about spirituality, health, ultimately starting you on the path to knowing your true self. Send in your questions in advance to increase your chances of being one of the questions answered!

Special Festivals and Days of Honoring
Venue: 2319 Nursery Road Clearwater FL
Although Divine Bliss works with all the great saints, the main religious and guiding light of DBI is Sri Sri Sri 1008 Baba Neem Karoli ji Maharaj who is acclaimed as the Healing Saint of Northern India. In his 108 ashrams his disciples continue to carry his message of love and celebrate Jesus Christ, Lord Krishna’s, Lord Buddha’s & Guru Nanak’s birthdays, along with all the Hindu sacred festivals, with equal enthusiasm. Divine Bliss imparts the love messages of the great spiritual teachers, to bring forth a Divine Cosmic communion in the daily lives of all communities despite their different religious orientations.
The greatest love is the union with the Cosmic, which will progress as we reduce our fears between various religious communities. Divine Bliss is focused on the oneness of the spiritual existence and cuts the tension of divisions in the spiritual journey across various religious communities to reach our one destination, love and union with light.
To find out the schedule either follow us on Facebook to receive real time updates, or our website’s events calendar
Divine Bliss is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. All Contributions are tax deductible as allowed by law.
All proceeds go to towards the upliftment of the Divine Bliss community, through its light center programs worldwide.