Guru Purnima Special: Significance of Honouring your Guru

Every anxious freedom seeker who sincerely wants to dedicate his/her life to this mission will want to follow the pathway of self-realization to Open the Light Within. To such a genuine seeker of Light, the most precious of all gifts is the divine guidance of a True Guru.
The Guru’s love and energetic assistance is a treasure beyond measure. It is in appreciation of the divine love and sharing that a sincere Light seeker will truly enjoy the beautiful journey of divine bliss!
The universal Truth of honouring with gratitude and love holds true and opens the seekers heart. “It is in giving that you will receive” – the more sincerely you open your heart, the more you will receive.
A Guru is a true representative; a physical embodiment of the Cosmic energies and honouring the Guru is symbolic of honouring the Cosmic energies for their divine blessings and guidance.
Why does a specific day need to be allocated for honouring the Guru ?
The true essence of being a light seeker is to be in humbleness and gratitude towards your Guru – as it is giving that truly brings receiving. A Guru should be honoured every minute and every second in the life of a seeker. Dedicating a specific day as a day for honouring is simply to enable all devotees to come into their benign focus to give their love and offering to the one special person who is constantly showering them with love and blessings.
Just like Christmas Day, is a day to honour Lord Jesus Christ for all the love He has brought to this realm, Guru Purnima celebrates and honours the one who gives us endless love and blessings – OUR GURU.
While everyday is an occasion to celebrate the bonding of a Guru and disciple, once a year comes a special opportunity for expressing gratitude and acknowledging all the compassionate giving of the Guru through all aspects of life.
The full moon day mostly in the auspicious month of July is dedicated to honoring the GURU. This day is called GURU PURNIMA meaning ‘ The Full moon day dedicated to the Guru, who is the dispeller of darkness’.
This year this divine opportunity will be available for all on the coming Full moon day on Wednesday, 11th July 2022 EST.