Guruji on Fireside Chats

Om Beautiful Souls!
Did you manage to join us on Fireside Chats this morning? Guruji Sri Sri Poonamji spoke about How to Do the Same Work in Half the Time, with Less Stress – and you bet it was absolutely wonderful!

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Guruji talked about connecting to the real you. 
“When you’re giving yourself the access to your full capabilities, there will be no failure.” says Her Holiness, Guruji Sri Sri Poonamji.
“Being connected to the depth of your truth, and operating from a different operating system – That is called the ‘superconscious’.”
Wow. So what is the superconscious?
We’ll be updating the answer in our next post! If you missed the Fireside Chats, that’s okay too. Stay tuned as we continue to post more of Guruji’s divine words from the special appearance on our blog, Facebook (DBI & Guruji Sri Sri Poonamji), Twitter (@divineblissint), and even Instagram (@divineblissint)!
The Divine Bliss Family

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