
Are You Focused?

This week’s Divine Conversations with Guruji takes another look at Focus and Determination.
Her Holiness Guruji Sri Sri Poonamji defines focus as “a place where the mind can function uninterrupted and with clarity, with the logic and the intellect playing their respective roles un harmony”.
In our

sunset over water

Open Your Light

This week’s Divine Conversations with Guruji illuminates what it means to Open the Light.
As we come to our own self-realization, we become aware that we have a light within us, that we must open the light. We are told that there are great benefits when you open your light.
But what does

rose petals

Express Self Love

This week’s Divine Conversations with Guruji takes another look at Self Love and how we can use it to heal in these trying times.
You’ve heard the proverb – Do unto others as you would have done unto you.
We usually assume that it is others that are doing unto us. But what if it really