Halloween Blue Full Moon on 31st October 2020

The phrase “Once in a blue moon’ comes to life this 31st October with the unique coincidence of a full moon on Halloween day which is a rare occurrence and even rarer is the fact that it is the second full moon in the same month making it a Blue moon.
Every celestial event has its own significance and impact on everything in this universe. While it may be hard to highlight specifics, there is one thing that surely happens and that is the opening of a divine opportunity to connect with one’s higher self and the light within us.
A Full moon signifies advancement in personal and spiritual life. The moon acts as a guiding light and signifies that it’s time for action. So when the full moon holds a special connection with other energetic occurrences and events, then there is an amplification of positive energies.
The year of 2020 has been difficult emotionally for all and two moons in the same month are granting the opportunity of clearing the emotional baggage to overcome this negativity in the air.
The Blue Full Moon on Halloween is an extra special event of this illuminated month of October 2020. It is a fortunate time for everyone who wants to forge a connection with positivity and abundance.
To honor the energies of the Moon on this extraordinary day, you have the opportunity to light a candle for your own personal upliftment with the blessings of Sarva Loka Maa Her Holiness Sri Sri Sri 1008 Guruji Poonamji.
You can honour a candle on your behalf by going to https://openthelightwithin.org/honoring/