Honoring Divine Mother form 28th March to 5th April
Navratri – Time to Celebrate and Honour Divine Mother
A Divine corridor of love, giving and blessings
info@Divineblissinternational.org | Call us Now: 1-727-444-0355
Navratri – Time to Celebrate and Honour Divine Mother
A Divine corridor of love, giving and blessings
We talk about getting in the flow to manifest what we desire.
What is flow? Well, everything.
Everything flows. If it doesn’t, then
Inspired by Her Holiness Guruji Sri Sri Poonamji, January 5th commemorates Jesus as a day to be recognized annually as Jesus Appreciation Day. This day each year will be set aside to appreciate the utmost compassion of Lord Jesus.
There’s a simple word that wields the largest power for change.
Do you know what it is?
Such a simple word, yet it opens doors that were previously impenetrable.
When we dig in our heels and are in resistance of opportunities for growth, we limit ourselves. It could be because of
What is truth?
Each of us have our own experiences, our own truths that have been developed on our pasts.
The dictionary’s definition of true is:
adjective, truer, truest.
1. being in accordance with the actual state or conditions; conforming to reality or fact; not
This week’s Conversations with Guruji is focused on the Conscious Mind Connection.
As you go about your day, are you paying attention to how you’re going about it?
Or are you mindlessly going through the day, and
Outside influences. How easily we can be affected by what is happening around us.
So much drama, so much chaos. Do you find your life plays out like a soap opera? Or do you happily go through your day with grace and
Isn’t it interesting that the colors of the rainbow align with the major chakras in our bodies?
Have you noticed when you walk into a colorful room how your emotions may change? Do you think that changing the color of your environment can
A divinely fragrant opportunity for you to grant to you!
Guruji founded Divine Bliss International in order to assist people to “Open the Light Within” and “Experience the Nectar of Life.” Guruji Sri SriPoonamji is a bright
What happens when we hold our breath, cut off ourselves from the outside world?
Physically, we would pass out and our divine nature would start breathing naturally for us!
Perhaps breathing is the thin cord that connects us with