International Yoga Day
The United Nations proclaimed the 21st of June as the International Day of Yoga.
In recognition of this official day and in an effort to bring greater awareness of the True meaning “Yoga”, Divine Bliss International is honored to present a divine conversation with Guruji Sri Sri Poonamji.
In today’s modern age, the word yoga is widely and loosely used in reference to relaxing stretches and strength training for your body. These physical exercises is only a small aspect of the true ancient art of “Yoga” which in ancient Sanskrit means “Union”.
Throughout history, people from all walks of life have practiced the ancient art of “Yoga”. Ancient cultures throughout time were highly aware of its powerful benefits. “Yoga” is a highly advanced and profound practice of connecting you to your inner state of Being.
Do you want to move beyond your physical body limitations?
Do you want to overcome your emotional turmoil?
Do you want to learn how to discover your true inner light?
Tonight, you have the amazing opportunity to understand how to start your inner journey and move beyond these limitations.
Undertaking this journey can open you to the constant state Divine Bliss that resides within you.
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