True Purpose of Life
We, as humans, are born, raised by our well-meaning parents, go to school, get a degree, and get a job.
Then, we get married, have kids, and start the cycle again.
Many variations of this theme exist, but it seems as if there is one main path that we take.
Then, somewhere in our 40s and 50s we ask, “Is this all that there is? What have I done with my life, and how can I make more of a difference?”
Wouldn’t it be nice if we actually figured that out early on so that we feel more satisfied and uplifted?
What is the true purpose of life?
In this week’s Divine Conversations with Guruji, we will be learning through our blessed Guruji what is the true purpose of life.
With the wonderful information we will be able to cut all the distractions of earthly gains and be able to focus on what it is that we have come to do.
Come join into the conversation this Wednesday evening 9:00pm ET where you can ask those questions that lay heavy on your heart. Be uplifted as you gain the knowlege that you need to light your path to the divine.
This conversation’s discussion will be included in an upcoming book, so this is your opportunity to join in the joy of spreading light into the world.
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